3 Quick Tips to Level up your Digital Marketing
The ways in which we engage, share and watch content are rapidly changing. That’s why storytellers should always be seeking new opportunities to be innovative and creative to help clients solve communications problems in this dynamic landscape. That’s why I’ve been working with my pal Kendra Nicholson of Nicholson Consulting. She’s helped me learn about media optimization, targeted ad buys and tips to upgrade social channels so that I can provide my clients with holistic and clean strategy and digital marketing plans.
And yes, it means I am more caffeinated than ever, but I’ve learned a whole heck of a lot from Kendra. Here’s my 3 quick takeaways from “social school”:
Optimize your video for the channel.
Social algorithms are beautiful, but complex things. They’re smart and play by the social rules – dishing out the most relevant and optimized content first. That means you can’t just slap a 3-minute Youtube video onto your Facebook or Instagram and expect engagement. Facebook skews heavily to native content (content hosted on your Facebook page) so sharing video that is uploaded onto your page looks a million times better in a feed (and you can get some truly awesome and in-depth analytics). And because no one is listening to audio on their Instagram, you’d better optimize your Instagram video with subtitles. Taking the time to tweak your video content specifically for the channel you are posting to not only helps engage your audience deeper, but it shows you truly understand the value of the channel you are using.
You serve your social media followers, not the other way around.
Your followers aren’t listening to your social channels out of the online goodness of their hearts. They want their feeds to be filled with cool things, helpful tips, beautiful imagery. You need to be serving them the content they want that actually provides value. Make that your social mandate. Want more insights? Check out mover and shaker Gary Vaynerchuk’s blog.
It’s hard work, but it’s necessary.
2017 was the first year that Facebook advertising spends outweighed traditional broadcast advertisers. So it’s not just a matter of appearing relevant anymore, it IS the new way of advertising. Digital marketing allows you to track pretty much everything, so you can see all your hard work at work. It’s also a great opportunity to flex your creative muscles coming up with new ways to engage your audiences and test what works.