An Event Activation that will Engage Customers and Boost Sales

Forget the Swag + Give Guests Something They Actually Want

*93% of consumers claimed that live events had a larger influence on them than TV ads (*source 1)

*98% feel more inclined to purchase after attending an activation (*source 2)

*70% become regular customers after an experiential marketing event (*source 3)

That’s because activations are a fun and memorable way to engage with your audience. Experiential activations give you the opportunity to chat directly with your consumers, define your brand culture and create customer-generated content. And with a little luck, a great event activation can transform your guests into free, enthusiastic influencers and brand promoters.

The key to a successful event activation is its “share factor”. Tech-savvy consumers will want to post on Instagram and Facebook if you’re providing them with an experience and takeaway that is totally unique, fun, easy to share and let’s be honest—will generate comments and likes for them.

This is particularly important when devising a strategy targeting Gen Z:

“We like experiences and memories,” says Bella Bucchiotti, a 21-year-old Canadian influencer and content creator. “We live in those little Instagram squares. [Brands should] create experiences for us that our debt and rent can’t afford us.” (Strategy Online, How to Tailor your Strategy to Gen Z).

That’s why I have developed an Event Activation Package: custom video loops that allow your guests to let loose with their inner Drake, declare their love for Canada, or show-off their best Bruce Lee moves – all as shareable, professional quality video.

Working with clients like Takeover (the fastest growing tech and innovation conference in the city), Soho House and the National Speakers Bureau to develop custom activation experiences that are filmed in less than 30-seconds, then edited onsite and delivered directly to guests via email in less than 10 minutes.

At the Takeover conference, our activation booth had lines that wound throughout the conference and we created 85 videos in just under 6 hours. For Soho House’s Halloween Party, we developed a haunted photo-booth that expanded their event’s murder mystery storyline; with the characters ghostly appearing in guests’ images. And we celebrated all things Canadiana at the National Speakers Bureau conference to seamlessly pair with their notable, all-Canadian keynote program.

We’ve connected directly with 100s of consumers and can confidently say those numbers above don’t lie. Event activation videos are the perfect social takeaway, transforming conference hashtags into trending, allowing a positive and memorable IRL interaction with your (potential) customers, and giving you direct contact information for future lead strategies.

Interested in talking about what we can dream up for your next conference or event? Email me or give me a shout at 416 450 8750.


Feeling Closer, While Being Further Apart


Telling Stories